Series description
In computer science, loops are a common feature in many scripts, often used to repeat sets of code. This series will cover two of the most common loops: for and while loops.
Objectives and prerequisites
Learning objectives | Understand situations where loops are useful as opposed to alternative forms of writing a script. Be able to write out for and while loops, while identifying the syntax for both. |
Prerequisites | Have a general understanding of variables in Lua. |
Series Contents
Article | Description |
Repeat code with while Loops | Learn how to repeat code to create a color changing part. |
Intro to for loops | Use a common loop that repeats instructions for a set amount of times. |
Loops practice: glowing lights with for loops | Practice using for loops by making lights glow. |
Loops Practice: Creating a Timed Bridge | A more advanced implementation of a for loop that makes a bridge disappear and reappear. |
Nesting loops | Add a loop within a loop for more complex behavior and code. |