Design educational experiences

Educational game design presents unique challenges and opportunities. For instance, developers need to consider the constraints of schools, such as limited technology and time. To support developers, this presentation (in PDF and video formats), serves as an introduction to creating educational experiences.

The topics covered include:

  • What are educational games and experiences? What are attributes of good experiences?
  • What is the recommended process of designing an educational game, and how does it contrast with traditional game development?
  • What are recommendations for working with audiences such as schools or at-home learners? How do audiences differ in needs?

Additional topics covered include:

  • How to design a hypothetical educational experience.
  • How to identify learning objectives.
  • How to plan for development constraints.
  • How to design a monetization plan.

Slide deck

Download the presentation as a .PDF below.


The below presentation was taken at Connect 2022, a virtual conference focused on game development in Roblox.

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