Time to code the last phase of the game: cleanup and reset. Code in this phase ensures that the game loops to intermission and that future matches start the same for each player.
Update the GUI
Before doing cleanup and reset, inform players how the game ended using the DisplayManager to show the appropriate status.
Get the winner's name
Start by getting the winning player's name if there was one. Previously, the code checked if the size of the active players table was down to 1. To get the remaining player's name, return the name at the first index of that table.
In PlayerManager, start a new module function named getWinnerName().
function PlayerManager.getWinnerName()end-- EventsPlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoin)Add an if statement that runs if something exists in activePlayers[1]. Although the table count was checked before, the player might have disconnected or left the game.
function PlayerManager.getWinnerName()local winningPlayer = activePlayers[1]if winningPlayer thenendendIn the if statement:
- Return the player's name.
- For the else, return an error string.
function PlayerManager.getWinnerName()local winningPlayer = activePlayers[1]if winningPlayer thenreturn winningPlayer.Nameelsereturn "Error: No winning player found"endend
Get the end status
Use a module function to take information from the correct end state, whether the timer ends or one player is left. Then, send that state variable to DisplayManager to update the status GUI with the appropriate message.
In MatchManager, code a new module function named getEndStatus() with a parameter named endState. To store the message that will be sent, add an empty variable named statusToReturn.
function MatchManager.prepareGame()playerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()matchStart:Fire()endfunction MatchManager.getEndStatus(endState)local statusToReturnendmatchStart.Event:Connect(startTimer)matchEnd.Event:Connect(stopTimer)return MatchManagerSet the value of statusToReturn using if and elseif statements. Check for the end state variables: FoundWinner and TimerUp. For error checking, include an else at the end.
function MatchManager.getEndStatus(endState)local statusToReturnif endState == gameSettings.endStates.FoundWinner thenelseif endState == gameSettings.endStates.TimerUp thenelseendendAdd the following for each condition:
- A variable for the winner using playerManager.getWinnerName().
- Update statusToReturn with a string announcing the winner.
- Update statusToReturn with a string announcing time ran out.
- Update statusToReturn with an error message in case there are issues with getting the end game message.
function MatchManager.getEndStatus(endState)local statusToReturnif endState == gameSettings.endStates.FoundWinner thenlocal winnerName = playerManager.getWinnerName()statusToReturn = "Winner is : " .. winnerNameelseif endState == gameSettings.endStates.TimerUp thenstatusToReturn = "Time ran out!"elsestatusToReturn = "Error found"endendSend back the message by typing return statusToReturn.
function MatchManager.getEndStatus(endState)local statusToReturnif endState == gameSettings.endStates.FoundWinner thenlocal winnerName = playerManager.getWinnerName()statusToReturn = "Winner is : " .. winnerNameelseif endState == gameSettings.endStates.TimerUp thenstatusToReturn = "Time ran out!"elsestatusToReturn = "Error found"endreturn statusToReturnend
Display and test
Get the updated announcement in GameManager and display it to the players using the DisplayManager.
Open GameManager. In the while true do loop, delete the last print statement. Then, create a variable named endStatus. Set it equal to calling matchManager.getEndStatus(endState).
while true dodisplayManager.updateStatus("Waiting for Players")repeattask.wait(gameSettings.intermissionDuration)until #Players:GetPlayers() >= gameSettings.minimumPlayersdisplayManager.updateStatus("Get ready!")task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)matchManager.prepareGame()local endState = matchEnd.Event:Wait()local endStatus = matchManager.getEndStatus(endState)endTo display the returned message in the GUI label, call displayManager.updateStatus() and pass in endStatus.
local endStatus = matchManager.getEndStatus(endState)displayManager.updateStatus(endStatus)So the game pauses to let players see the message, add a wait using transitionTime.
local endStatus = matchManager.getEndStatus(endState)displayManager.updateStatus(endStatus)task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)Start a test server and check that players see the following messages for the time up and winning player conditions.
Troubleshooting tips
At this point, you're unable to see the messages, try one of the following below.
- If your end status message is "Error Found", none of the conditions were successful. Check the code in MatchManager.getEndStatus() against the code samples.
- If the end status doesn't display, check that task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime) is after sending the message to displayManager.
Start new matches
Before starting a new match, there will be a brief transition. This gives players time to see the end status and makes being teleported to the lobby feel less sudden.
At the end of the transition, remaining players will be removed from the arena, and all of the code will reset. This ensures that players will start the next match with a clean version of the game.
Handle transitions
When players move into the transition state, remove their weapons.
In PlayerManager, find the local functions. Copy and paste the highlighted code for removePlayerWeapon() below. The code will remove an individual player's weapon if it's actively equipt or in the player's backpack.
local function removePlayerWeapon(whichPlayer)-- Check to see if a player exist in case they disconnected or left.if whichPlayer thenlocal character = whichPlayer.Character-- If the player has it currently on their characterlocal weapon = character:FindFirstChild("Weapon")if weapon thenweapon:Destroy()end-- If the player has the weapon in their backpacklocal backpackWeapon = whichPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Weapon")if backpackWeapon thenbackpackWeapon:Destroy()endelseprint("No player to remove weapon")endendStart a new module function named removeAllWeapons().
function PlayerManager.removeAllWeapons()end-- EventsPlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoin)return PlayerManagerIn that function, use a for loop to go through the active players table. In the loop, call removePlayerWeapon() and pass in the player found.
function PlayerManager.removeAllWeapons()for playerKey, whichPlayer in activePlayers doremovePlayerWeapon(whichPlayer)endend
Clean between matches
Cleanup will be its own function in MatchManager. For now, cleanup will just use that previously created function to remove player weapons. As you expand the game, more can be added, such as functions to reset a map that changed during a match.
Open MatchManager. Add a new module function named cleanupMatch(). In that function, call playerManager.removeAllWeapons().
function MatchManager.cleanupMatch()playerManager.removeAllWeapons()endmatchStart.Event:Connect(startTimer)matchEnd.Event:Connect(stopTimer)return MatchManagerNext, call the cleanup function. Open GameManager and find the while true do loop. So players have weapons removed during the ending intermission, call matchManager.cleanupMatch() before the last task.wait().
while true dodisplayManager.updateStatus("Waiting for Players")repeattask.wait(gameSettings.intermissionDuration)until #Players:GetPlayers() >= gameSettings.minimumPlayersdisplayManager.updateStatus("Get ready!")task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)matchManager.prepareGame()local endState = matchEnd.Event:Wait()local endStatus = matchManager.getEndStatus(endState)displayManager.updateStatus(endStatus)matchManager.cleanupMatch()task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)endStart a test server and run a match. Wait for the timer to run out and confirm that the player's weapon is removed during the end game intermission.
Reset matches
You may have noticed a few other things in the game, like players still being in the arena after a match ends. With the match cleaned up, next reset the game. This includes sending players in the arena back into the lobby and clearing the active players table. With a reset in place, a game loop can run indefinitely.
First, start a function to send players back to the lobby.
In PlayerManager:
- Create a module function named resetPlayers().
- Add a for loop to iterate through activePlayers.
- In the loop, call respawnPlayerInLobby() and pass in the player as the parameter.
function PlayerManager.resetPlayers()for playerKey, whichPlayer in activePlayers dorespawnPlayerInLobby(whichPlayer)endend-- EventsPlayers.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoin)return PlayerManagerMake sure the activePlayers table is empty for the next match by setting it equal to {}, which is a quick way of resetting to an empty table.
function PlayerManager.resetPlayers()for playerKey, whichPlayer in activePlayers dorespawnPlayerInLobby(whichPlayer)endactivePlayers = {}endOpen MatchManager. Code a new module function named resetMatch() and call playerManager.resetPlayers().
function MatchManager.resetMatch()playerManager.resetPlayers()endmatchStart.Event:Connect(startTimer)matchEnd.Event:Connect(stopTimer)return MatchManagerGo back to GameManager. At the end of the while true do loop, call matchManager.resetMatch().
while true dodisplayManager.updateStatus("Waiting for Players")repeattask.wait(gameSettings.intermissionDuration)until #Players:GetPlayers() >= gameSettings.minimumPlayersdisplayManager.updateStatus("Get ready!")task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)matchManager.prepareGame()local endState = matchEnd.Event:Wait()local endStatus = matchManager.getEndStatus(endState)displayManager.updateStatus(endStatus)matchManager.cleanupMatch()task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)matchManager.resetMatch()endStart a test server and run a match. Confirm that you can at least go through two game loops without any errors.
Completed scripts
Below are completed scripts to double check your work.
GameManager script
-- Serviceslocal ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")local Players = game:GetService("Players")-- Module Scriptslocal moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")local matchManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("MatchManager"))local gameSettings = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("GameSettings"))local displayManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("DisplayManager"))-- Eventslocal events = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Events")local matchEnd = events:WaitForChild("MatchEnd")while true dodisplayManager.updateStatus("Waiting for Players")repeattask.wait(gameSettings.intermissionDuration)until #Players:GetPlayers() >= gameSettings.minimumPlayersdisplayManager.updateStatus("Get ready!")task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)matchManager.prepareGame()local endState = matchEnd.Event:Wait()local endStatus = matchManager.getEndStatus(endState)displayManager.updateStatus(endStatus)matchManager.cleanupMatch()task.wait(gameSettings.transitionTime)matchManager.resetMatch()end
MatchManager script
local MatchManager = {}
-- Services
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Module Scripts
local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")
local playerManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerManager"))
local gameSettings = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("GameSettings"))
local displayManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("DisplayManager"))
local timer = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("Timer"))
-- Events
local events = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Events")
local matchStart = events:WaitForChild("MatchStart")
local matchEnd = events:WaitForChild("MatchEnd")
-- Values
local displayValues = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DisplayValues")
local timeLeft = displayValues:WaitForChild("TimeLeft")
-- Creates a new timer object to be used to keep track of match time.
local myTimer = timer.new()
-- Local Functions
local function stopTimer()
local function timeUp()
local function startTimer()
while myTimer:isRunning() do
-- Adding +1 makes sure the timer display ends at 1 instead of 0.
timeLeft.Value = (myTimer:getTimeLeft() + 1) // 1
-- By not setting the time for wait, it offers more accurate looping
-- Module Functions
function MatchManager.prepareGame()
function MatchManager.getEndStatus(endState)
local messageToReturn
if endState == gameSettings.endStates.FoundWinner then
local winnerName = playerManager.getWinnerName()
messageToReturn = "Winner is : " .. winnerName
elseif endState == gameSettings.endStates.TimerUp then
messageToReturn = "Time ran out!"
messageToReturn = "Error found"
return messageToReturn
function MatchManager.cleanupMatch()
function MatchManager.resetMatch()
return MatchManager
PlayerManager script
local PlayerManager = {}
-- Services
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Modules
local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")
local gameSettings = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("GameSettings"))
-- Events
local events = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Events")
local matchEnd = events:WaitForChild("MatchEnd")
-- Map Variables
local lobbySpawn = workspace.Lobby.StartSpawn
local arenaMap = workspace.Arena
local spawnLocations = arenaMap.SpawnLocations
-- Values
local displayValues = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DisplayValues")
local playersLeft = displayValues:WaitForChild("PlayersLeft")
-- Player Variables
local activePlayers = {}
local playerWeapon = ServerStorage.Weapon
local function checkPlayerCount()
if #activePlayers == 1 then
print("Found winner")
local function removeActivePlayer(player)
print("removing player")
for playerKey, whichPlayer in activePlayers do
if whichPlayer == player then
table.remove(activePlayers, playerKey)
playersLeft.Value = #activePlayers
local function respawnPlayerInLobby(player)
player.RespawnLocation = lobbySpawn
local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
-- Give the player a tool
local sword = playerWeapon:Clone()
sword.Parent = character
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local function onPlayerJoin(player)
player.RespawnLocation = lobbySpawn
local function removePlayerWeapon(whichPlayer)
-- Check to see if a player exist in case they disconnected or left.
if whichPlayer then
local character = whichPlayer.Character
-- If the player has it currently on their character
local weapon = character:FindFirstChild("Weapon")
if weapon then
-- If the player has the weapon in their backpack
local backpackWeapon = whichPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Weapon")
if backpackWeapon then
print("No player to remove weapon")
function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
local availableSpawnPoints = spawnLocations:GetChildren()
for playerKey, whichPlayer in Players:GetPlayers() do
-- Gets a spawn location and then removes it from the table so the next player gets the next spawn
local spawnLocation = table.remove(availableSpawnPoints, 1)
preparePlayer(whichPlayer, spawnLocation)
playersLeft.Value = #activePlayers
function PlayerManager.getWinnerName()
local winningPlayer = activePlayers[1]
if winningPlayer then
return winningPlayer.Name
return "Error: No player found"
function PlayerManager.removeAllWeapons()
for playerKey, whichPlayer in activePlayers do
function PlayerManager.resetPlayers()
for playerKey, whichPlayer in activePlayers do
activePlayers = {}
-- Events
return PlayerManager