说明 | 状态 |
Team:GetPlayers and Players:GetPlayers can be used during parallel execution. | Live |
Fix a bug where unions could only be visually scaled down to 0.05 thick. They can now be scaled all the way down to 0.001 matching other part types (as intended). | Live |
Added a setting to control camera pan speed in Studio | Live |
Fixed F to focus camera in Studio not working with Tools, Accessories, and nested hierarchies (e.g. folder grouping). The fix will work for future classes that contain world objects as well, and is not specific to the aforementioned classes. | Live |
Added missing CornerWedgePart option to ribbon part insert menu | Live |
Made sure Mac Bootstrapper sends protocol string to Studio when edit from web triggers an update. | Live |
Fixed Escape not opening the escape menu while testing in Studio | Live |
Force studio to update on next launch when we detects user channel is different than local one. | Live |
说明 | 状态 |
Fix an issue where script rates were reported as half the number of invocations per second than they actually were. Also fix an issue where script activity was calculated as an average across a shorter window of time than intended. | Live |
Fix texture scaling in the Nonuniform Unions beta. Materials will now tile correctly even on very nonuniformly scaled unions. | Live |
Toolbox: Fixed an issue where plugins might not have been installable from Creations -> Group Plugins | Live |
Properly delete webview cookies for Studio on logout and on start up. | Live |