Release Notes for 478



Animation Clip Editor: Keyframe values cannot be changed anymore (either using the text boxes or using the gizmos) while the animation is playing.


Constraints will now update correctly when attached to Bones.


Deprecated FilteringEnabled. It has always been enabled for the past few years, but the property will now accurately reflect that FilteringEnabled is true.


Removed legacy Surface dropdown from the Studio ribbon


As stated when adding the API, it is now time for the temporary function to be deprecated. Beginning on May 4th, the API will throw an error when called. On May 11th, the API will no longer be found in the game engine.




Adds Workspace property AnimationWeightedBlendFix, initially False by default, to allow for a 3-phase rollout of a change to weighted blending of same-priority AnimationTracks which we know will require some developers to update their Lua code to use AnimationPriority as intended, rather than assuming Play() call order of same-priority tracks will continue to exhibit stack-like behavior with newly-started tracks overriding already-playing tracks. This was not happening by design or contract, it was an implementation-defined behavior resulting from a blending arithmetic bug.


Fixed Inner Box generation. Added an optional slightly improved mode that we might replace it with.


Fixed bug in studio where clearing shortcuts does not disable them.



Studio Emulator bugfix: UserInputService.LastInputTypeChanged was not firing in the Studio Emulator for mobile devices.

Starting with this release it is possible to use keyboarders and gamepads within the mobile emulator. The zoom functionality is also enabled for these devices using the left mouse button and the mouse wheel together.

This change only affects the mobile devices in the Studio Device Emulator, so no-device mode or any other type of devices will work as before.

Note that there will be no mouse events in the mobile emulator since the mouse is used to emulate the touch events.


Fixed issue with SystemCursor and the draggers that caused a weird, large grab hand rather than the original, standard grab cursor.


Fixed F to zoom to the current selection not working in Team Create if the camera type was set to something other than Fixed


Fix a bug that packages auto-update can cause duplications.


Fixed an issue with ColorSequences in the Properties widget where editing through the text field would not actually update the property


Luau linter will now highlight more cases when a global variable can be converted to a local variable to avoid subtle bugs in the code.


Fixed an issue where plugin scripts wouldn't correctly terminate upon unloading/reloading.
