Cải Thiện
Lưu Ý | Trạng Thái |
Fix os.date("*t", -1) returning nil on Windows but a valid result on Mac (it will now always return nil) | Live |
Implement table.pack / table.unpack from Lua 5.2: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table.pack https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table.unpack | Live |
Fix a corner case in global access in Luau where foo.bar would resolve to nil instead of failing when foo was an unassigned global. | Live |
Bản Sửa Chữa
Lưu Ý | Trạng Thái |
Fixed a bug where sometimes Mechanisms look disassembled when joining a game. | Live |
Fixed issues with rendering of decals and boxmapped textures in viewPortFrames | Live |
Fixed a crash in Roblox Studio involving mock purchases of products that are free or not for sale. | Live |
Fixed game icons in Game Settings always showing as moderated | Live |
Live | |
Keys won't get stuck when switching window focus | Live |
Textboxes won't occasionally replace all text with a or paste clipboard with v | Live |
Fixes to cut command freezing key input in text boxes | Live |
Fixed Crash on restart from the start menu | Live |
Fixed issue where we were not prompting developers on dirty quit | Live |