Release Notes for 338

Cải Thiện

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Dynamic Thumbstick now occupies a smaller portion of the screen in landscape orientation. The jump button is now visible when using Dynamic Thumbstick.


StarterGui.ProcessUserInput can be set to true by plugin scripts. This allows Plugins to listen to regular user input events on ui objects (MouseButton1Click, Activated, MouseEnter/Leave, etc.) while in edit mode.


The new "CreatePluginAction" function on Plugin allows you to create an action which users can then tie to shortcuts.

In script:

local pluginAction = plugin:CreatePluginAction("pluginActionId", "Action Title", "Action Description")

pluginAction.Triggered:connect(function() doCustomLogic() end)

pluginActionId should be an ID unique among PluginActions in this plugin. Action Title will be the user-facing title of the action. Action Description is user-facing description for Action.

This action will be visible in File -> Advanced -> Customize Shortcuts, and can have a shortcut assigned to it.


this adds a rate limiter to remote events. We will need to tune this to avoid false positives.


Improve rendering performance in windowed mode on Windows 8/10


Bản Sửa Chữa

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Fix bug where transparent adornments would render on top of transparent parts


Fix issue where sometimes certain glyphs would stop rendering on Android devices with 4x or higher display scaling.


Fix text rendering breaking when using UIScale objects to scale it up beyond the max text size.


ContextActionPriority now works as expected even when an Xbox controller is connected. The Action Bindings tab in the developer console is now more reliable as well; sorting of actions by priority should now be correct, the expander-arrow icon is fixed, and there will be no more warnings about using a custom sort function.


Fixed an issue regarding Unicode character support in Roblox Studio.


After clicking in explorer tree and Ctrl/Cmd+clicking in 3D view for multiple selection on Mac, regular clicking outside selected objects will correctly deselect them.


Fixed the bug that checked state of ribbon bar button 'Command Bar' was not set correctly.


Old UI Editor Action will not show up under Customize Shortcuts window


Dragging GUI Object parented to scrolling frame will not move unexpectedly


Fixed a crash related to open scripts after stopping play solo


Reduced bandwidth usage for streaming enabled games


Fix large holes on the boundary between terrain LOD levels in some configurations
