
Hiển Thị Bản Đã Lỗi Thời

This library implements functionality for the vector type in addition to the built-in primitive operator support. It uses vectors with three components (x, y, and z).

Individual vector components can be accessed using the fields x or X, y or Y, z or Z. Since vector values are immutable, writing to individual components is not supported.

Tóm Tắt

Chức Năng

Thuộc Tính

  • Constant vector with all components set to 0.

  • Constant vector with all components set to 1.

Chức Năng


Creates a new vector with the given component values.

Tham Số

Lợi Nhuận


Calculates the magnitude of a given vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Computes the normalized version (unit vector) of a given vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Computes the cross product of two vectors.

Tham Số

vec1: vector
vec2: vector

Lợi Nhuận

Computes the dot product of two vectors.

Tham Số

vec1: vector
vec2: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Computes the angle between two vectors in radians. The axis, if specified, is used to determine the sign of the angle.

Tham Số

vec1: vector
vec2: vector
axis: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Applies math.floor() to every component of the input vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Applies math.ceil() to every component of the input vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector

Lợi Nhuận

Applies math.abs() to every component of the input vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Applies math.sign() to every component of the input vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector

Lợi Nhuận


Applies math.clamp() to every component of the input vector.

Tham Số

vec: vector
min: vector
max: vector

Lợi Nhuận

Applies math.max() to the corresponding components of the input vectors.

Tham Số

...: vector

Lợi Nhuận

Applies math.min() to the corresponding components of the input vectors.

Tham Số

...: vector

Lợi Nhuận

Thuộc Tính


Constant vector with all components set to 0.

Constant vector with all components set to 1.