Create a project

In order to start the process of recreating the Island Jump 3D platformer experience, you must create a project within Roblox Studio. A project is a collection of places, assets, settings and other resources that together represent an experience. You can either start a project from scratch, or you can start with one of Studio's templates to provide a basis for your environment and gameplay mechanics, such as:

  • Baseplate template — Contains a baseplate and SpawnLocation object.
  • Modern City template — Contains a sample high-quality city and modular asset kit.
  • Mansion of Wonder template — Contains assets and scripts for a first-person shooter experience.

To create a project with the Baseplate template:

  1. Open Roblox Studio.

  2. In the vertical navigation bar, select the New tab. All templates display.

  3. Select the Baseplate template. Studio opens a new experience.

    Studio's landing page interface with the Baseplate template highlighted.
  4. In the Explorer window, right-click the Baseplate object. A contextual menu displays.

  5. Select Delete. The viewport displays an empty world with a spawn location in the middle.

    A viewport view of the baseplate template without the baseplate. The spawn location is highlighted in the middle of the view.

In the next section of the tutorial, you will learn how to use the Terrain Editor to create an island environment around the spawn location.