Release Notes for 349

개선 사항


Replaces the physics stat in the Ctrl-F7 stats widget with ping. Ping is more relevant to most developers than physics time. The reported ping includes time though internal queues, so may be higher than raw network ping times.


Preparing to release Workspace.AutoJointsMode, which we will use to phase in several changes to surface joint and part property setter behavior.


We are going through steps to remove the legacy physics solver and move all games to the PGS solver. This change will give current legacy solver users a chance to temporarily extend their usage of the legacy solver by opting in with a new Workspace property "TemporaryLegacyPhysicsSolverOverride"


Changing the Part.CFrame setter to move the assembly relative to the given part instead of moving the Mechanism root in a nonsensical way.


GuiObject.MouseLeave, GuiObject.MouseEnter, GuiObject.InputBegan, GuiObject.InputEnded, and GuiButton.AutoButtonColor now all work much more reliably.


Fix UI rendering issues on Nexus 6P with Android 7.0


Added "Apply Edits" button in the Team Create script menu. When there are local unreplicated changes to a Team Create script (shown by a "*" symbol next to the script name in the script tab), clicking this button will push those changes to the server without giving up the lock on the script.


Servers will reject Touch events from Clients that do not own the interacting parts.


Fix UI rendering issues on Nexus 6P with Android 7.0


Improve precision of CFrame replication on the clients, reducing angular error by ~20x on average and ~8x in the worst case, while also making it ~25% smaller


Players will now be replicated with respect to platforms they are standing on. This should prevent cases where driven vehicles had characters "dragging behind" them.


This changes the way HttpService rate limit is done. Part of the process involves some tuning. We should be able to get better numbers to tell devs soon.




More consistently enforces the "there can only be one" rule for JointInstances between the same two parts and allows multiple WeldConstraints between the same two parts.


Text displayed in CoreGui can now be automatically translated by LocalizationService and captured by the Text Capture tool.

This includes:

  • Tool names and tooltips
  • leaderstats names
  • SetCore("SendNotification", ...) notifications
  • Legacy dialog system responses

Fixed bug where raycasts could hit the inner faces of WedgeParts and CornerWedgeParts


Fixed a bug where local simulation would stop working at all when perf was limited.


Allows the automatic scaling code to be enabled/disabled by developers. This will allow them to selectively choose when this code is used. It can be used to prevent prescaled characters from being rescaled again when added to Workspace and to prevent automatic rebuilding of rigs and resetting of HipHeight when characters are scaled by the code.

If this feature is enabled, characters will automatically be scaled based on the values under the Humanoid object. If it is disabled, then characters will not be scaled automatically based on the values specified in the Humanoid. They will retain any previously applied scales though. This will prevent joints from being rebuilt and the HipHeight from being automatically adjusted. If it is re-enabled, the character will immediately have all current scaling values applied to it.


Fixed issue where characters scaled on the server might have parts that appear at different scale on different clients.


Fixed lag issue with many keys in Animation Editor


Humanoid character animations will now have the root translation (HumanoidRootPart->LowerTorso) scaled based on the HipHeight.


Parts can be duplicated whether or not archivable is set


Surface Tools can no longer be used on locked parts


Can box select attachments in 3D view if they are visible


Fixed exception while populating debugger watch values


Fixed incorrect "Total Data KB/s" and "Total Physics KB/s" readings in the Developer Console's "Server Stats" tab
