Classic clothing

After creating and testing your classic clothing design, you can upload the clothing item to the Marketplace for a fee.

Upload new creations

To upload a custom clothing item:

  1. Navigate to your Creator Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Avatar Items.
  3. Select the Classics tab.
  4. Drag and drop your image file into the upload box. Alternatively, you can click Upload Asset and upload your file on the next page.
  5. On the Upload Asset page, set the Asset Type dropdown to T-Shirt, Shirt, or Pants.
  6. Complete the Name and Description fields. These fields help users find your assets and allow you to organize your creations.
  7. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the page.
    1. See Fees and commissions for more information on the fees for listing avatar items on the Marketplace.
    2. See Manage existing assets for information on modifying and selling your creations.

Manage existing assets

To see your moderation status, place your item on sale, or modify your item settings:

  1. Navigate to your Creator Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Avatar Items.
  3. Select the Classics tab.
  4. Use the Classic Type dropdown to filter by the type of classic clothing creation.
  5. Click on the asset to navigate to the asset's Configure page.
  6. You can modify the following fields:
    1. Item Name — sets the public-facing name of the asset.
    2. Item Description — sets the public-facing description of the asset.
    3. On Sale — when enabled, users can view and purchase this item on the Marketplace.
    4. Set a price — value of Robux that the creation sells for on the Marketplace.
      1. See Fees and commissions for more information.