Classic clothing

To ensure the best quality results, you can test your classic clothing before uploading or selling. You can test your clothes without needing to pay any fees by using Roblox Studio.

  1. In Studio, open the Avatar tab and click Rig Builder.

  2. Choose a Block rig type from the popup menu. This should drop an avatar mannequin in your workspace named Rig.

  3. In the Explorer window, hover over the Rig object, click the button and insert either a ShirtGraphic (T-shirt), Shirt, or Pants object according to the clothing you want to test.

  4. Locate and select the new Shirt Graphic or Clothing object parented under Rig.

    Shirt Graphic (T-shirt)

    Clothing (Shirt/Pants)

  5. In the Properties window, locate the associated property as follows:

    Graphic (T-shirt)

    ShirtTemplate (Shirt)

    PantsTemplate (Pants)

  6. Click inside the property's row and select the image you uploaded to Roblox. This applies the clothing texture to the Rig character.