You're almost done with the project!
What's left is to complete the first sentence, then add in another question to give players some more choice.
Finish the sentence
To add more words or punctuation to the sentence, add another string using concatenation.
On the same line as the story variable, type ..
Add another string containing the rest of the sentence, or just punctuation. Don't forget to add an extra space at the end of the sentence.
-- Code story between the dashes-- =============================================local name1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite name?")local story = "In a tree on a hill lives the great wizard " .. name1 .. ". "-- =============================================
Add a second question
To ask a second question, create a new question and keep adding to the same variable holding the story.
Decide what word to delete from the second sentence in your story.
Original Placeholder: Every morning, the wizard loves eating a giant bowl of honey roasted food1.
Beneath the first variable, create a new variable to act as a placeholder.
local name1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite name?")local food1local story = "In a tree on a hill lives the great wizard " .. name1 .. ". "Use storyMaker:GetInput("") to ask the player a question and store their answer.
local name1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite name?")local food1local story = "In a tree on a hill lives the great wizard " .. name1 .. ". "In the story variable, concatenate the next story string using .. Be sure to include a space after the end of the sentence.
local name1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite name?")local food1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite food?")local story = "In a tree on a hill lives the great wizard " .. name1 .. ". " .. "Every morning, the wizard loves eating a giant bowl of honey roasted "After the new story string, concatenate the answer for the second question and finish with punctuation.
local name1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite name?")local food1 = storyMaker:GetInput("What is your favorite food?")local story = "In a tree on a hill lives the great wizard " .. name1 .. ". " .. "Every morning, the wizard loves eating a giant bowl of honey roasted " .. food1 .. ". "
Optional additions
If you're interested in developing the story more, we've included some ideas. For example, some ways of improving the story include:
- Add more lines to your story
- Playtest the game every time you add a new set of variables and strings
- Ask a peer or friend on what other words they would like to customize.
Also, below are some tips and tricks to make stories for fun for players.
Use variables more than once
Variables can be used more than once — just use concatenation between strings where you want to include the word(s).
Example Code: "I am " .. name1 .. " and you are in the palace of " .. name1 .. "!"
Result: I am Sameth and you are in the palace of Sameth!
Add line breaks
Line breaks can be added by typing \n in a string. Also, more than one line break can be combined like \n\n.
Example Code: "One \n Two \n\n Three"