Release Notes for 457



Improved the error message generated when assigning the result of a function call to too few or too many variables.


Luau Types: fix generic functions not type-checking properly when being assigned to function-type-annotated locals


Luau now prints the exact type of a table instead of its inferred name more often.


Previously calling Clear() and Emit(n) from Lua script in the same frame did not result in particles being emitted. An artificial Wait() after Clear() and before Emit(n) was required.


Luau Types: error messages now use the name and generic parameters used to instantiate generic types


Luau will only report that a global is unknown as a type error when type checking is enabled, instead of as a type error and a linter warning.


Luau is more precise when inferring how many values a function returns.


Luau Types: improve for-in loop typechecking


Luau Types: errors now report complete function types when casting a function in an assignment or as an argument to a function.


Removed the legacy --API argument from the client executable only. It is still available from the studio executable as -API (note only one dash and not two). The Studio API dump also has an improved format (JSON) over the old client API dump, so it is easier to parse out information with scripts.


Toolbox asset preview now shows video resolution


Enable line edit when picking enums in studio property widget.


Typed Luau: Produce a nicer warning for require(script.parent.SomeScript) (use .Parent instead)


Dynamic Skies is a multi-phase project, with an incremental API specification.

The initial minimal viable product (MVP) has a simple initial minimalist API phase called, Phase 1a. Here the Clouds API Structure appears in Studio as follows under the Workspace object,

Clouds - an object containing a collection of clouds across the sky. Initially only one Clouds object is rendered to cover the whole sky.

  • Cover [0-1] is the fraction of cloud cover over the space occupied by clouds. This is equivalent to Oktas cloud cover scale but ranging from 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 8.
  • Density [0-1] of the particles making up each cloud. This mainly affects the transparency of the clouds medium. Lower values give light appearance and high values bring darker, more stormy appearance.

The Clouds volume which extends to the horizon includes a visual curvature to extend down to the horizon, this is a default behavior in Phase 1a. Later on, further controls will be developed and released.

In Phase 1a Clouds integrate with the Sky object, and optionally in composition with the Atmosphere object. Phase 1c will offer an alternative for completely physically based Clouds+Atmosphere without need for the Sky's skybox cubemap textures towards better ultimate realism.

In Phase 1, wind has a suitable fixed default motion and a preset animated cloud motion is released for this minimum viable product early 'open beta' phase.




Humanoid:BuildRigFromAttachments() has been fixed so that calling it after scaling a Humanoid character in a WorldModel inside a ViewportFrame will have the desired effect


Model LoD: fix models being stuck with impostor rendering when they have a camera for thumbnails


Luau Types: improvements for typechecking binary operators


Luau will now trace requires that index children with brackets, e.g. require(script["Child"])


Addressing bugs to a previous fix addressing non-World initialization of WeldConstraints.


Luau no longer crashes in very rare edge cases; it will instead emit a type error asking you to file a bug report.


Fixes an issue where sometimes not all of your creations would show in the Asset Configuration window and in My Models in Toolbox.


fix for making sure Humanoid jumps when setting Humanoid Jump to true from script


Fix a crash that could occur when using Luau types in scripts.
