Not | Durum |
Added a lint rule suggesting when a global that is never read before it is written can be turned into a local. | Live |
Implement table.clone which takes a table and returns a new table that has the same keys/values/metatable. The cloning is shallow - if some keys refer to tables that need to be cloned, that can be done manually by modifying the resulting table. | Live |
The Find/Replace window will no longer keep results in scripts highlighted when it is hidden. | Live |
Fixed an issue where the pivot could be dragged and pivot indicators were shown when selecting multiple objects while using the Pivot Editor. | Live |
Add public/private toggle for editing audio assets on Asset Configuration. | Live |
Added a check to detect whether regular users impersonate admin when launching studio. | Live |
Not | Durum |
Fix a soundness bug around adding optional properties to sealed tables. | Live |
Fix occasional crashes with table type unification due to iterator invalidation. | Live |
Fixes an issue where the Toolbox/Asset Manager audio preview could get stuck on the loading state. | Live |
Added default initial user agent for WebView2. | Live |