Not | Durum |
Improve performance of OverlapParams queries with large FilterDescendantsInstances | Live |
Allow recoloring of terrain material variants | Live |
It is now possible to tie breakpoints to execution contexts: Edit, Client or Server. | Live |
Marked 'Color3.toHSV' as deprecated in Luau so that it reports a lint warning. Please use 'Color3:ToHSV' instead. | Live |
Fixed an issue that caused multiple pivot indicators to appear for some selections. | Live |
Removed unused UserPlugin datamodel | Live |
Not | Durum |
A new "SignalBehavior" for Workspace has been added. The new behavior is being added to address problems that can occur when instance parent's are modified inside callbacks (such as "DescendantAdded" and "DescendantRemoving"). | Live |
Fixed a bug in the rewritten, more effecient touch event replication plumbing. | Live |
Fix minor visualization issue for the PlaneConstraint. The plane will now always be drawn correctly relative to attachment0. | Live |
Fixed Server/Player launch on Mac | Live |
Fixed WebView2 initialization problem due to users write permission and users prematurely closing application. | Live |
New Enum.AnimationPriority values are now available for use in the Animation Editor | Pending |