Not | Durum |
Preserve reference properties to external Instances when copy/pasting | Live |
Luau linter will now flag table literals with identical numerical indices, e.g. { [1] = 1, [1] = 2 } | Live |
Luau compiler now emits more efficient bytecode for table literals with explicit numeric indices such as { [1] = value } | Live |
Not | Durum |
Touched events fired between HumanoidRootPart and the Humanoid's current floor part by the Running states will now replicate like normal touch events. Still no TouchEnded events in this case. | Live |
Fix the behavior of Alt + Click in Physical Dragger mode: The physical draggers will once again select individual parts by default and select models when Alt is held. | Live |
Fix output window error when inserting a collection of tools from Toolbox. | Live |