Not | Durum |
Addition to Surface Changes Beta Feature -Changing a part surface with the Surface tool on the Studio toolbar now correctly removes joints and joins with surface welds only. Hinge and Motor surfaces are removed from this list. | Live |
Improve Luau interpreter dispatch performance for Windows, making Lua-heavy benchmarks ~5-6% faster in Studio. | Live |
Users will be warned on openning the same place file from mutiple Studio instances. Only the first Studio instance that opens the file has the file ownership (others cannot save to this file to avoid an accidental file overwrite). | Live |
Made explorer icon grayscaling work with all instances (previously just scripts / physics constraints) | Live |
Not | Durum |
Fix a bug where humanoid raycasts for standing/climbing would not ignore parts connected via NoCollisionConstraint. | Live |
Fixed an issue where WeldConstraint wouldn't be selectable in Studio when Constraint Details is off and Show Welds is on. | Live |
Fixing 3-5% crash increase caused by interpolation multithreading. | Live |
Mac Studio (Release 401) failed to self-update due to a bug. Please delete your Mac Studio bundle and download the latest DMG from Roblox and do a clean installation. | Live |
You can call plugin:SetSetting("key", nil) to remove a setting. | Live |
Moderated Plugins will be automatically uninstalled. | Live |