Not | Durum |
New AngularVelocity constraint that maintains a constraint angular velocity on a body. | Live |
tostring no longer works on normally restricted Instances. | Pending |
The Game Settings now have a new World panel for various world and avatar related settings | Pending |
Not | Durum |
Fixed a bug where joints would not always disable collisions if a joint that does not disable collisions was enabled first. | Live |
Optimized Animation Editor to run faster with many keys | Live |
Fixed big where animation event names from one animation were carried over to another in Animation Editor | Live |
Fix bug where moving keys in Animation Editor would clear out copy clipboard | Live |
Improve line breaking for CJK text | Live |
Fixed breakpoints being treated as invalid on valid lines | Live |
Separated Ctrl+W/Ctrl+F4 combined shortcut to Ctrl+W=close current tab & Ctrl+F4=close file. Closing the current tab will not do anything if the place is the active tab, preventing accidental place closes with Ctrl+W. Use Ctrl+F4 to close the place. | Live |
Scripts will no longer have numbers added to them showing how many unsaved scripts you have | Live |