The UserInputType enum describes the kind of input being performed (mouse, keyboard, gamepad, touch, etc). This enum is used by the InputObject.UserInputType property of the same name, as well as various UserInputService and GuiObject events.
Nombre | Valor | Resumen |
MouseButton1 | 0 | The left mouse button. |
MouseButton2 | 1 | The right mouse button. |
MouseButton3 | 2 | The middle mouse button. |
MouseWheel | 3 | The mouse wheel. |
MouseMovement | 4 | Movement of the mouse. Fires changed events each time the player's cursor position changes and when the move enters/leaves the game window. |
Touch | 7 | A tap on the screen from a mobile device. |
Keyboard | 8 | Key press on a keyboard. |
Focus | 9 | The client regaining focus of the Roblox window. |
Accelerometer | 10 | The accelerometer of a mobile device. |
Gyro | 11 | The Gyroscope of a mobile device. |
Gamepad1 | 12 | Input from the 1st plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad2 | 13 | Input from the 2nd plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad3 | 14 | Input from the 3rd plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad4 | 15 | Input from the 4th plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad5 | 16 | Input from the 5th plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad6 | 17 | Input from the 6th plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad7 | 18 | Input from the 7th plugged in Gamepad. |
Gamepad8 | 19 | Input from the 8th plugged in Gamepad. |
TextInput | 20 | |
InputMethod | 21 | Text input from an input method editor (IME). InputObjects with this type aren't currently fired. |
None | 22 | Unknown UserInputType. |