A debounce pattern is a coding technique that prevents a function from running too many times or an input from triggering multiple times. The following scripting scenarios illustrate debounce as a best practice.
Detect collisions
Suppose you want to create a hazardous trap part that inflicts 10 damage when touched. An initial implementation might use a basic BasePart.Touched connection and a damagePlayer function like this:
Script - Damage Player
local part = script.Parent
local function damagePlayer(otherPart)
print(part.Name .. " collided with " .. otherPart.Name)
local humanoid = otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
humanoid.Health -= 10 -- Reduce player health
While logical at first glance, testing will show that the Touched event fires multiple times in quick succession based on subtle physical collisions.

To avoid causing excessive damage on initial contact, you can add a debounce system which enforces a cooldown period on damage through an instance attribute.
Script - Damage Player Using Debounce
local part = script.Parent
local RESET_TIME = 1
local function damagePlayer(otherPart)
print(part.Name .. " collided with " .. otherPart.Name)
local humanoid = otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
if not part:GetAttribute("Touched") then
part:SetAttribute("Touched", true) -- Set attribute to true
humanoid.Health -= 10 -- Reduce player health
task.wait(RESET_TIME) -- Wait for reset duration
part:SetAttribute("Touched", false) -- Reset attribute
Trigger sounds
Debounce is also useful when working with sound effects, such as playing a sound when two parts collide (Touched), or playing a sound on the Activated event when a user interacts with an on-screen button. In both cases, calling Sound:Play() starts playback from the beginning of its track and — without a debounce system — the sound may play multiple times in quick succession.
To prevent sound overlap, you can debounce using the IsPlaying property of the Sound object:
Script - Play Collision Sound Using Debounce
local projectile = script.Parent
local function playSound()
-- Find child sound on the part
local sound = projectile:FindFirstChild("Impact")
-- Play the sound only if it's not already playing
if sound and not sound.IsPlaying then
Script - Play Button Click Using Debounce
local button = script.Parent
local function onButtonActivated()
-- Find child sound on the button
local sound = button:FindFirstChild("Click")
-- Play the sound only if it's not already playing
if sound and not sound.IsPlaying then
Pickup effects
Experiences often include collectible pickups in the 3D world such as medkits, ammo packs, and more. If you design these pickups to remain in the world for players to grab again and again, a "cooldown" time should be added before the pickup refreshes and reactivates.
Similar to detecting collisions, you can manage the debounce state with an instance attribute, and visualize the cooldown period by changing the part's Transparency.
Script - Health Pickup Using Debounce
local part = script.Parent
part.Anchored = true
part.CanCollide = false
local function healPlayer(otherPart)
local humanoid = otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
if not part:GetAttribute("CoolingDown") then
part:SetAttribute("CoolingDown", true) -- Set attribute to true
humanoid.Health += 25 -- Increase player health
part.Transparency = 0.75 -- Make part semi-transparent to indicate cooldown state
task.wait(COOLDOWN_TIME) -- Wait for cooldown duration
part.Transparency = 0 -- Reset part to fully opaque
part:SetAttribute("CoolingDown", false) -- Reset attribute