You can divide users in your experience to multiple teams using the Teams service to support your experience needs. By enabling the Teams service, it automatically updates the color of the name above each user character Model to differentiate members that belong to different teams, and the default user list displays users based on their teams.
Configure teams
By default, your Explorer hierarchy includes the Teams service. If you don't find it or accidentally deleted it, you can still add it to your experience through the following steps:
In the Model tab, click the Service icon in the Advanced section to display a list of services.
From the Insert Service window, select Teams and click the Insert button.
You can now find the Teams folder in the Explorer hierarchy.
Add teams
With the Teams service present, you can create a new team through the following steps:
Hover over the Teams object and click the ⊕ icon to show a list of objects.
Select Team to insert a new Team object under the Teams service.
You can now select the new Team object and, in the Properties window, change the team Name or assign a unique TeamColor. A team's name and color both appear in the experience's player list.

Assign users to teams
By default, Roblox auto-assigns new users joining the experience to the team with the fewest members, and you can still use the following steps to assign users to a specific team:
Uncheck the AutoAssignable checkbox in the Properties window.
Assign a user to a specific team by changing their Player.Team property to the team name in the format of Teams[name of the team], such as Teams["Blue Team"].
Spawn teams
You can use SpawnLocation objects to spawn users of different teams at specific locations when they join or respawn. By default, SpawnLocations are neutral and any user can spawn upon them, so you need to lock each one to the team that can occupy it using the following steps:
In the Model tab, click the Spawn button to insert a SpawnLocation.
With the new SpawnLocation selected, uncheck the Neutral checkbox in the Properties window.
Set the TeamColor property of selected SpawnLocation to the team color of an existing team that you want to assign to the spawn. For example, if the intended team's Team.TeamColor is Teal, set the spawn's SpawnLocation.TeamColor to the same.