Manage players

With the game loop coded, it's time to start adding features into it. During a match, players can come and go. Because of this, code is needed for tasks like sending players into a match and keeping track of active players. To manage these tasks, create a module script named PlayerManager.

This script will start a function to send players into the arena with a weapon and be expanded later in the series.

Set up the script

Because the player manager includes functions used by other scripts, it'll be a module script.

  1. In ServerStorage > ModuleScripts, add a new module script named PlayerManager. Then, rename the module table to match the script name and add comments for local and module functions.

    local PlayerManager = {}
    -- Local Functions
    -- Module Functions
    return PlayerManager
  2. Add local variables for the following:


    • Players - Know what players have joined or left the game.
    • ServerStorage - Storage for player weapons.

    Map and Player Variables:

    • Lobby Spawn, Arena Folder, and Arena Spawn Folder - Used to teleport players to different areas.
    • An Array of Active Players - Keeps track of players currently in a game.

    local PlayerManager = {}
    -- Services
    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
    -- Map Variables
    local lobbySpawn = workspace.Lobby.StartSpawn
    local arenaMap = workspace.Arena
    local spawnLocations = arenaMap.SpawnLocations
    -- Player Variables
    local activePlayers = {}
    -- Local Functions
    -- Module Functions
    return PlayerManager
  3. Create a module function named sendPlayersToMatch() with a test print inside.

    -- Local Functions
    -- Module Functions
    function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
    print("Sending players to match")
    return PlayerManager

Spawn players in the lobby

Right now, there's multiple spawn locations, meaning that players spawn at a random one when joining the game. To ensure players spawn in the lobby, change the player's RespawnLocation property.

  1. Create a new local function named onPlayerJoin() with a parameter of player. In that function, set the player's respawn location to the lobby spawn variable made earlier.

    -- Local Functions
    local function onPlayerJoin(player)
    player.RespawnLocation = lobbySpawn
  2. Add an events section beneath your module function. Then, connect onPlayerJoin() to Player Service's PlayerAdded event.

    -- Module Functions
    function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
    print("Sending players to match")
    -- Events

Connect and test

Now the modules can be connected and tested. With the PlayerManager created, require it so that the code in that module script can then run and send players to the lobby.

  1. Go back to MatchManager and create variables for the following:

    • ServerStorage service.
    • ModuleScripts folder, child of ServerStorage.
    • PlayerManager module script, child of moduleScripts.

    local MatchManager = {}
    -- Services
    local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
    -- Module Scripts
    local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")
    local playerManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerManager"))
    function MatchManager.prepareGame()
    return MatchManager
  2. Use a local server with at least the minimum players to test. Confirm that you can see the following:

    • All players spawn in the Lobby.
    • The print statement from PlayerManager appears in the Output window.
  3. Once finished, click Cleanup to shut down the server.

Troubleshooting tips

At this point, parts of the script aren't working as intended, try one of the following below.

  • Check the name of parts such as the Arena, or the location of Lobby > StartSpawn, especially if you named them differently than instructed in the lesson.
  • Make sure that modules are required in each script using the require() function and correctly spelled.

Send players to the arena

Now that players spawn in the lobby, teleport them into a match once the intermission is over. Change the player's RespawnLocation to a spawn location in the arena using a function in the Player object called ReloadCharacter().

  1. Go to the PlayerManager script, below onPlayerJoin(), add a new local function named preparePlayer(). Include two parameters: player and whichSpawn, the spawn location to send them to.

    local activePlayers = {}
    -- Local Functions
    local function onPlayerJoin(player)
    player.RespawnLocation = lobbySpawn
    local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
    -- Module Functions
    function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
    print("Sending players to match")
  2. Set the player's respawn location to whichSpawn.

    local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
    player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn
  3. Force the character to reload, using LoadCharacter(), and the player will respawn using their newly assigned location.

    local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
    player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn

Send players to spawn

Make sure each player gets teleported to a different spawn location in the arena by using a for loop to iterate through the active players array. Using a for loop allows you to go through every value in the players array, allowing the script to adapt to a variety of player numbers.

  1. In the sendPlayersToMatch() function, use a variable to create an array of all the arena spawn locations by getting the children of the Arena > SpawnLocations folder.

    --Module Functions
    function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
    local arenaSpawns = spawnLocations:GetChildren()
  2. Add the for loop below to get an array of all players and then iterate through each of them. To get players, type: Players:GetPlayers().

    function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
    local arenaSpawns = spawnLocations:GetChildren()
    for playerKey, whichPlayer in Players:GetPlayers() do

Track and spawn

When the game runs, it needs to identify which users are playing so they can be spawned in the arena. At the start of a round, every player will be tracked in an array of active players. That array will be used for different functions, such as teleporting or assigning weapons, ensuring that players still in the lobby during a round aren't affected.

  1. In the for loop, use table.insert(), using the two parameters for the activePlayers array and the player to add.

    function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
    local arenaSpawns = spawnLocations:GetChildren()
    for playerKey, whichPlayer in Players:GetPlayers() do
    table.insert(activePlayers, whichPlayer)
  2. To get a spawn location from the arena, create a variable named spawnLocation and set it to the first index in the arenaSpawns table.

    for playerKey, whichPlayer in Players:GetPlayers() do
    table.insert(activePlayers, whichPlayer)
    local spawnLocation = arenaSpawns[1]
  3. Call preparePlayer() and pass in whichPlayer and spawnLocation. Then, since that spawn location was used, remove it from the table so the next player will get a different spawn.

    for playerKey, whichPlayer in Players:GetPlayers() do
    table.insert(activePlayers, whichPlayer)
    local spawnLocation = table.remove(arenaSpawns, 1)
    preparePlayer(whichPlayer, spawnLocation)
  4. Test on a local server that players are sent to the arena. The players will continue to respawn at the same location because the code to send them back to the lobby isn't yet in place.

Troubleshooting tips

At this point, you didn't see the intended results, try one of the following below.

  • In GetPlayers(), make sure there are two closing parentheses, such as Class.Players.GetPlayers(|Players:GetPlayers()) in the statement.
  • Check the series of function calls in the module scripts. For example, matchManager.prepareGame() should call playerManager.sendPlayersToMatch().

Giving Players Weapons

When a round starts, each player in the arena will be provided a weapon to use.

Add a tool

Player weapons will be a tool. While any tool in Roblox can be used, we've provided a sample sword to start.

  1. Import the weapon from the Toolbox, or create your own (see Tools).

  2. Place the weapon into ServerStorage. If you're creating your own tool, make sure the tool is named Weapon, since that'll be used in later scripts.

Give tools to players

Now that the tool is in storage, work on a script to go through the active player array and provide each user that tool.

  1. In PlayerManager, add a variable named playerWeapon for the Weapon in ServerStorage.

    -- Map Variables
    local lobbySpawn = workspace.Lobby.StartSpawn
    local arenaMap = workspace.Arena
    local spawnLocations = arenaMap.SpawnLocations
    -- Player Variables
    local activePlayers = {}
    local playerWeapon = ServerStorage.Weapon
  2. In preparePlayer(), paste the following code to get the player's character.

    local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
    player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn
    local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
  3. Create a new variable named sword and use the Clone() function to create a copy of the weapon in ServerStorage. Then, parent the sword to the player's character.

    local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
    player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn
    local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
    local sword = playerWeapon:Clone()
    sword.Parent = character
  4. Test on a local server to confirm that every player gets a tool when sent to the arena. Keep in mind, if you continue testing, the intermission will keep restarting and so players will respawn every few seconds. This will be resolved in the next lesson.

Completed scripts

Below are completed scripts to double check your work.

GameManager script

-- Services
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- Module Scripts
local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")
local matchManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("MatchManager"))
local gameSettings = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("GameSettings"))
while true do
print("Restarting intermission")
until #Players:GetPlayers() >= gameSettings.minimumPlayers
print("Intermission over")

MatchManager script

local MatchManager = {}
-- Services
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
-- Module Scripts
local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")
local playerManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerManager"))
function MatchManager.prepareGame()
return MatchManager

PlayerManager module script

local PlayerManager = {}
-- Services
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
-- Map Variables
local lobbySpawn = workspace.Lobby.StartSpawn
local arenaMap = workspace.Arena
local spawnLocations = arenaMap.SpawnLocations
-- Player Variables
local activePlayers = {}
local playerWeapon = ServerStorage.Weapon
-- Local Functions
local function onPlayerJoin(player)
player.RespawnLocation = lobbySpawn
local function preparePlayer(player, whichSpawn)
player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local sword = playerWeapon:Clone()
sword.Parent = character
-- Module Functions
function PlayerManager.sendPlayersToMatch()
print("Sending players to match")
local arenaSpawns = spawnLocations:GetChildren()
for playerKey, whichPlayer in Players:GetPlayers() do
table.insert(activePlayers, whichPlayer)
local spawnLocation = table.remove(arenaSpawns, 1)
preparePlayer(whichPlayer, spawnLocation)
return PlayerManager