The Notable Translators Program (Pilot) aims to give more visibility to dedicated and skilled community translators who want to offer their services to other Roblox creators. We also want to make it easier for creators to find and hire qualified community translators to help make their experiences appealing to users all over the world.
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have an Age ID Verified Roblox account
- Have a Roblox account that is at least 2 months old
- Have native or near-native language proficiency in the language you're testing for
How to participate
Please use one of the links below to take the translation test. Only one submission per candidate.
You can expect to receive your test results via email within a few weeks after the submission. We're planning on expanding this program to further language pairs and adding more translators to the list over the next few months. See the current list of Notable Translators.
Roblox does not post jobs, perform work, or employ individuals or teams to perform work for translators posted on the Creator Translator Program, and nothing shall create an employment, agency, or joint venture relationship between Roblox and any translator. Roblox is not a party to any agreement a translator may enter into, does not supervise, direct, or control the performance, compensation or procurement of services in the Community Translator Program, and shall not be responsible or liable for any disputes or damages related thereto, including, without limitation, if a translator is not paid for their work or if a Job Creator pays for work that a translator does not complete. Roblox also makes no representation or warranty as to the quality of work that a translator may undertake in connection with any work or services performed for a Job Creator. Roblox does not recommend or endorse any particular translator or Job Creator, or her/his/its respective offered services or job posts.