Rigid accessory export settings

Export your rigid accessory model as a .fbx or .gltf file to take advantage of all of Studio's 3D import features. These file types contains mesh and texture data you need to later import into Studio.

Before exporting a mesh from Blender, make sure either your Scene Properties > Unit Scale to .01 or your export Transform > Scale is set to .01 (step 4) to ensure similar .fbx scaling within Studio.

To export the .fbx file in Blender:

  1. In the topbar, click File. A pop-up menu displays.

  2. Select Export, then FBX (.fbx). The Blender File View window displays.

  3. On the right-hand side, change the Path Mode property to Copy, then toggle the Embed Textures button.

  4. If your project doesn't already have .01 scene unit scaling, set the Transform > Scale to .01.

  5. Click the Export FBX button.

  6. After exporting, use Studio's 3D Importer to import your model and the Accessory Fitting Tool to convert the model into an accessory.