Finishing Projects

Lesson Description: Take time to catch up on previous lessons and prepare the Roblox experience for others to play. Students should evaluate if their project meets the goals of being fun, challenging, and bug-free; redesigning or improving their work as needed.

Lesson Objectives
  • Test the experience according to specific goals, reflect on changes needed to be made, and implement improvements.
  • Test, evaluate, and redesign an animation to meet a planned vision.
Skills and Concepts
  • Challenging, But Fair - Game design concept. Players should be challenged, but not frustrated or punished during a game.


5 minIntroductionIntroduce the project and lesson structure.
40 minGuided Activity: Wrapping up the ProjectMake final changes to their game.
15 minWrap Up and ShowcaseRecap the week and showcase student projects.


  1. Explain that today is an opportunity to catch up or further develop their project.

  2. Regardless of what students work, will want to evaluate and redesign their game to meet specific goals:

    • Fun - players enjoy playing, want to keep playing.
    • Challenging - players are challenge but not punished or overly frustrated.
    • Error-free - no script errors, unusual looking parts/visuals, etc.

Wrapping Up the Project

  1. Explain that students have this time to make improvements before getting feedback.

    • Emphasize that improvements should be small (e.g. tweaking a current part of the obstacle course rather than adding new parts).
    • If unclear what to work on, ask students to self-evaluate against the three goals (fun, challenging, errors) and look for something to improve.

Wrap Up and Showcase

  1. Wrap up by leading a class discussion. Ask one of more of the below prompts.

    • One thing that was challenging but how they overcame it.
    • Something they're proud of in their experience and why.
    • An example of how another student helped them improve their project.
  2. Recap learning about digital citizenship and civility this week.

    • Ask a few ways students can practice being a digital citizen or stay safe. Some ideas: standing up if someone is being bullied, helping others, spotting unreliable information.
  3. Showcase student work. Some options are below.

    • Students can make games public and then share links to peers to try out.
    • Select 2-3 student projects and play them as a class. Either have one student show their game at their computer, or you get a link to play a project at your computer.