Share animations with friends and fellow developers by exporting and importing them through Studio.
Exporting Animations
Make sure to save your animation before exporting it.
In Explorer, expand the rig that you were animating with. It's likely that rig is named Dummy.
Expand AnimSaves. Then, find the name of the animation to share.
Right-click the animation name and select Save to File. This saves the animation as an .RBXM file on your computer, which can be shared. You can export more than one animation at a time.
Import animations
Animations saved in an .RBXM file can be imported into different rigs by yourself or by friends in any Roblox file.
Select the rig you want to use. In the Explorer, select AnimSaves.
Right-click on AnimSaves and select Insert From File. Then, pick the .RBXM file with the exported animation.
To load the animation, in the Animation Editor (see the Plugins tab), click on
.Next, in the drop-down menu, go to Load and select the name of the .RBXM file just imported.
Troubleshooting tips
Issue: Animation Not Loading In the original .RBXM file, make sure there is a saved Class.KeyFrameSequence object.

If only a Keyframe object was imported, try re-exporting the original animation and importing again. Make sure to export the named Class.KeyFrameSequence and not just a keyframe object.