Server-Side Chat Modules

You can use the following chat modules to support server-side behaviors of the Legacy Chat System including:

  • ChatService: A singleton that manages all other chat modules.
  • ChatSpeaker: An entity that may create messages in a ChatChannel; each Player will automatically have a ChatSpeaker and bots may chat by creating ChatSpeakers.
  • ChatMessage: A container for content a ChatSpeaker sends to a ChatChannel; contains metadata used to format the message or add extra functionality to commands.
  • ChatChannel: A channel by which ChatSpeakers can exchange ChatMessage; also used for team chat and whisper chat.


ChatService is a singleton object that handles the server-side behavior of the Lua Chat System, such as ChatChannels and ChatSpeakers.

All ModuleScript s within the ChatModules folder should return a function, and that function will be called with the ChatService singleton.



  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Creates a ChatChannel object with the given name and returns it.
  • Returns: ChatChannel


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Remove a channel with the given name
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Returns the channel with the given name, or nil if it does not exist.
  • Returns: ChatChannel


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Create and add a speaker to the chat with the given name, then returns it.
  • Returns: ChatSpeaker


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Removes the speaker from the chat with the given name.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Returns the speaker with the given name, or nil if it doesn't exist.
  • Returns: ChatSpeaker


  • Parameters: none
  • Description: Returns a list of the names of all non-private channels in the chat.
  • Returns: array<string>


  • Parameters: none
  • Description: Returns a list of the names of all channels in the chat with AutoJoin set to true.
  • Returns: array<string>


  • Parameters: string: functionId , function: func
  • Description: Registers a filter function to the chat identified by functionId . Any changes to the message will persist and be displayed when the message makes it through all of the other filter functions. This function is passed the speaker's name, the message object, and the channel the message originated in.
  • Returns: void
  • Example:

-- Paste this example into a ModuleScript within the ChatModules folder.
-- This example filters a keyword, and if successful, sets the chatColor of the message
local functionId = "greenText"
local keyword = "#green"
local chatColor =, 1, 0) -- green
local function doFilter(speaker, messageObject, channelName)
-- Check if the message contains the keyword
local start, finish = string.find(messageObject.Message, keyword)
if start and finish then
-- Remove (filter) the keyword from the message, also setting the ChatColor
messageObject.Message = string.gsub(messageObject.Message, keyword, "")
messageObject.ExtraData.ChatColor = chatColor
local function runChatModule(ChatService)
ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction(functionId, doFilter)
return runChatModule


  • Parameters: string: functionId
  • Description: Unregisters a filter function (registered by RegisterFilterMessageFunction) given its identifier, functionId .
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: functionId , function: func
  • Description: Registers a process command function to the chat identified by functionId . Before a message is filtered, it will pass through func (and other functions registered by this). The function func should check whether the message invokes a command. If so, perform the action of the command and return true. Returning true indicates the message was indeed a command and should not be displayed. The function can be unregistered using UnregisterProcessCommandsFunction.
  • Returns: void
  • Example:

-- Paste this example into a ModuleScript within the ChatModules folder.
local functionId = "getPizza"
local command = "/pizza"
local toolId = 22596452 -- Pepperoni pizza slice gear
local function processCommand(speakerName, message, channelName)
if string.sub(message, 1, command:len()) == command then
local model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(toolId)
local tool = model:GetChildren()[1]
local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
local player = speaker:GetPlayer()
tool.Parent = player.Backpack
return true
return false
local function runChatModule(ChatService)
ChatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction(functionId, processCommand)
return runChatModule




  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Fires when a channel is added to the chat.


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Fires when a channel is removed from the chat.


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Fires when a speaker is added to the chat.


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Fires when a speaker is removed from the chat.


A ChatSpeaker is the representation of one entity that may speak in a ChatChannel. Each Player connected to the game automatically has an associated ChatSpeaker. Additional ChatSpeakers may be constructed for non-users (such as announcers or hint messages) using ChatService:AddSpeaker().



  • Type: string: Name
  • Description: The name of the speaker, used in referencing this speaker while calling many other functions.



  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Adds the speaker to the channel with the given channelName
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Removes the speaker from the channel with the given channelName
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: None
  • Description: Returns a list of the names of all the channels the speaker is in.
  • Returns: array<string>


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Returns whether the speaker is in the channel with the given channelName .
  • Returns: bool


  • Parameters: string: message , string: channelName , dictionary<string, Variant> extraData
  • Description: Causes the speaker to say message and return the ChatMessage object created in doing so.
  • Returns: ChatMessage


  • Parameters: string: message , string: channel , string: fromSpeaker
  • Description: Sends a message to the ChatSpeaker with the given fromSpeaker name. If no such speaker is in the channel, this method creates a warning and the speaker will not see the message.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: message , string: channelName
  • Description: Sends a system message to the ChatChannel with the given channelName . If the speaker is not in the channel, then this message will create a warning and other speakers in the channel will not see the message.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: None
  • Description: Returns the Player object associated with the speaker. If the speaker is not for a user (a bot) then this returns nil .
  • Returns: Player or nil


  • Parameters: string: key , Variant data
  • Description: Sets some extra data for the speaker under a specific key . Whenever the speaker sends a ChatMessage this extra data is attached to the message if none is explicitly provided with the message. For example, this allows the speaker's chat color to be set.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: key
  • Description: Returns the extra data associated with the given key , set using SetExtraData.
  • Returns: Variant


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Sets the speaker to talk in the provided channel. Fires MainChannelSet.
  • Returns: nil






  • Parameters: string: channelName , string: channelWelcomeMessage
  • Description: Fired when the speaker joins the ChatChannel with the given channelName .


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Fired when the speaker leaves a ChatChannel with the given channelName .


  • Parameters: string: channelName , string: reason = nil , int: duration = 0
  • Description: Fired when the speaker is muted on the ChatChannel with the given channelName for the given duration (if provided). There may or may not be a reason provided.


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Fired when the speaker is unmuted on the ChatChannel with the given channelName .


  • Parameters: string: key , Variant data
  • Description: Fired when the default value of a key in the speaker's extra data is updated using SetExtraData.


  • Parameters: string: channelName
  • Description: Fired when the speakers main channel is changed to the ChatChannel with the given channelName .


A ChatMessage is a data structure representing a message sent from a ChatSpeaker. It contains data about the message, including the length of the text, whether the text has been filtered by Roblox, and extra data about the message's appearance.



  • Type: int
  • Description: A unique numerical identifier for the message.



  • Type: string:
  • Description: The name of the ChatChannel from which the message originated.


  • Type: bool
  • Description: Describes whether the message is filtered by Roblox (if true, Message will be nil )


  • Type: int
  • Description: The length of the message. You can use this to generate a hashed-out string if the message was filtered.


  • Type: string: or nil
  • Description: The text of the message. This property will be nil if IsFiltered is true.


  • Type: string:
  • Description: The type of the message. These types are described in the ChatConstants module:
  • Possible values: "Message" , "System" , "MeCommand" , "Welcome" , "SetCore" , "Whisper"


  • Type: int
  • Description: A timestamp; the value of os.time() at the time of the message's creation.


  • Type: dictionary<string, Variant>
  • Description: A dictionary of metadata for this message. This is used to alter the appearance of the message. The following keys may be present:


ChatChannel is an object that stores data about a single channel, which is a means by which messages can be exchanged between ChatSpeakers. It also has access permission properties that determine the visibility of messages along with whether users may join or leave the channel manually (using /join or /leave commands).

By default, each user has a ChatSpeaker that is automatically added to the "All" and "System" chat channels (although, "System" is read only). If the user is on a Player.Team, they will also have access to a channel for only that Team.



  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the channel, used to reference the channel in other functions.


  • Type: string
  • Description: A message to display when a user joins the channel.


  • Type: bool
  • Description: Determines whether a user may manually join a channel using the /join command. A user can still be added to a channel using ChatSpeaker:JoinChannel() or other means even if this property is false.


  • Type: bool
  • Description: Determines whether a user may manually leave a channel using the /leave command. A user can still be removed from a channel using ChatSpeaker:LeaveChannel() or other means even if this property is false.


  • Type: bool
  • Description: Determines whether a player's ChatSpeaker will automatically join the channel upon joining the game. non-user speakers will not automatically join channels, even when this property is true (You can use ChatSpeaker:JoinChannel() to do this).


  • Type: bool
  • Description: Determines whether the channel will be included in the list of channels returned by ChatService:GetChannelList(). This for whisper chats and team chats.



  • Parameters: string: speakerName , string: reason = nil
  • Description: Removes the speaker with the given speakerName from the channel, sending a message to both the user and the channel from which the user was kicked. If a reason is provided, the reason will be included in the message.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: speakerName , string: reason = nil , int duration = 0
  • Description: Mutes the speaker with the given speakerName in the channel for a duration specified in seconds. If duration is nil or 0, the mute is indefinite. If reason is provided, then a message will be sent to the channel with the reason included.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Unmutes the speaker with the given speakerName in the channel.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Describes whether the speaker with the given speakerName is presently muted in the channel.
  • Returns: bool


  • Parameters: None
  • Description: Returns a list containing all if the names of the ChatSpeaker currently in the channel.
  • Returns: array<string>


  • Parameters: string: message
  • Description: Sends a message from the "System" ChatSpeaker to the channel.
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: functionId , function func
  • Description: Registers a filter function, func , identified by functionId to the channel. The filter function will be called with the ChatSpeaker, the ChatMessage, and the string: name of the channel the message originated in. Changes to the message will persist and will be displayed after filtering.
  • Returns: void
  • Example:

-- Paste this example into a ModuleScript within the ChatModules folder.
local functionId = "getPizza"
local command = "/pizza"
local toolId = 22596452 -- Pepperoni pizza slice gear
local function processCommand(speakerName, message, channelName)
if string.sub(message, 1, command:len()) == command then
local model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(toolId)
local tool = model:GetChildren()[1]
local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
local player = speaker:GetPlayer()
tool.Parent = player.Backpack
return true
return false
local function runChatModule(ChatService)
ChatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction(functionId, processCommand)
return runChatModule


  • Parameters: string: functionId
  • Description: Unregisters a filter function (registered by RegisterFilterMessageFunction) given its identifier, functionId .
  • Returns: void


  • Parameters: string: functionId , function func
  • Description: Registers a process command function, func , identified by functionId to the chat. Before a message is filtered, it will pass through func (and other functions registered by this). The function func should check whether the message invokes a command. If so, perform the action of the command and return true. Returning true indicates the message was indeed a command and should not be displayed. The function can be unregistered using UnregisterProcessCommandsFunction.
  • Returns: void
  • Example:

-- Paste this example into a ModuleScript within the ChatModules folder.
-- This example filters a keyword, and if successful, sets the chatColor of the message
local functionId = "greenText"
local keyword = "#green"
local chatColor =, 1, 0) -- green
local function doFilter(speaker, messageObject, channelName)
-- Check if the message contains the keyword
local start, finish = string.find(messageObject.Message, keyword)
if start and finish then
-- Remove (filter) the keyword from the message, also setting the ChatColor
messageObject.Message = string.gsub(messageObject.Message, keyword, "")
messageObject.ExtraData.ChatColor = chatColor
local function runChatModule(ChatService)
-- Create a channel and register the filter function
local testChannel = ChatService:AddChannel("TestChannel")
testChannel:RegisterFilterMessageFunction(functionId, doFilter)
return runChatModule


  • Parameters: string: functionId
  • Description: Unregisters a command processor (registered by RegisterProcessCommandsFunction) given the identifier, functionId .
  • Returns: void



  • Parameters: ChatMessage: message
  • Description: Fires when a message is posted in the channel.


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Fires when a ChatSpeaker joins the channel.


  • Parameters: string: speakerName
  • Description: Fires when a ChatSpeaker leaves the channel.


  • Parameters: string: speakerName , string: reason , int duration = 0
  • Description: Fires when a ChatSpeaker has been muted in the channel.
