FACS poses reference

The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a comprehensive, anatomically-based system for describing all visually discernible facial movement. This system breaks down all facial expressions into individual types of muscle movement, such as LeftEyeClosed or MouthLeft. You can configure and store these muscle movements, or poses, within the head model through a third-party modeling software, such as Blender or Maya. When you import the head model into Studio, you can then access and animate these poses to create lively facial expressions.

The following is a list of 50 base poses that you can use in Roblox to portray a wide range of face emotions. Except for the first neutral pose, the order of poses you save to your character model doesn't matter since this information is set during the mapping process as a custom property.

You can combine multiple FACS base poses together in one animation frame to create complex facial expressions. However, some combinations of poses might collide unless you also add a corrective to their full default values.


EyesLookDown makes the eyes gaze down.


EyesLookLeft makes the eyes gaze left.


EyesLookRight makes the eyes gaze right.


EyesLookUp makes the eyes gaze up.


JawDrop lowers the jaw downward, opening the mouth.


LeftEyeClosed closes the character's left eyelid.


LeftLipCornerPuller raises the corners of the mouth upwards in a smile.


LeftLipStretcher stretches the corners of the mouth apart.


LeftLowerLipDepressor lowers the lower lip downwards away from the upper lip, revealing the lower teeth.


LeftUpperLipRaiser raises the character's left upper lip away from the lower lip revealing the upper teeth.


LipsTogether brings the character's lips together. However, if the character's mouth is closed, their lips are already together and they collide.

This pose's main use case is in connection with the JawDrop property. If you set JawDrop and LipsTogether to 100% of their default values, the character's lips stay together as the jaw drops.

In addition, if you set JawDrop to 100% of its default value, and ease LipsTogether in and out of 100% of its default value, the character's lips open and close.


Pucker makes a kiss-like shape with the mouth.


RightEyeClosed closes the character's right eyelid.


RightLipCornerPuller raises the corners of the mouth upwards in a smile.


RightLipStretcher stretches the corners of the mouth apart.


RightLowerLipDepressor lowers the lower lip down away from the upper lip revealing the lower teeth.


RightUpperLipRaiser raises the right upper lip away from the lower lip, revealing the upper teeth.


ChinRaiser raises the chin up; moves the lower lip upwards.

When you use ChinRaiser and the character's mouth is closed, the character's lower lip collides with their upper lip. When you need to keep the mouth closed while raising the chin, use ChinRaiserUpperLip and ChinRaiser together to raise both the lower and upper lip, and avoid a collision. Note that if you use this method, you must set both ChinRaiser and ChinRaiserUpperLip to the same value so the lips move the same distance upwards.


ChinRaiserUpperLip raises the upper lip up when ChinRaiser is engaged and it is touching the upper lip.


FlatPucker brings the corners of the mouth inward and presses the lips back against the teeth. This pose is also known as lip tightener.


Funneler makes an 'O' shape with the mouth.


LowerLipSuck rolls the lower lip up over the teeth.


LipPresser presses the lips together.


MouthLeft moves the mouth to the character's left. This property doesn't move the character's jaw, teeth, or tongue, only their mouth. If you want to move those additional facial features, use JawLeft instead.


MouthRight moves the mouth to the character's right. This property doesn't move the character's jaw, teeth, or tongue to the right, only their mouth. If you want to move those additional facial features, use JawRight instead.


UpperLipSuck rolls the upper lip around the teeth.


LeftCheekPuff puffs up the character's left cheek.


LeftDimpler moves the corners of the left side of the mouth back toward the teeth.


LeftLipCornerDown lowers the corners of the mouth downwards in a frown.


RightCheekPuff puffs up the character's right cheek.


RightDimpler moves the corners of the right side of the mouth back toward the teeth.


RightLipCornerDown lowers the corners of the mouth downwards in a frown.


JawLeft moves the character's jaw, teeth, tongue, and lower lip to their left. If you just want to move the character's mouth to their left, use MouthLeft instead.


JawRight moves the character's jaw, teeth, tongue, and lower lip to their right. If you just want to move the character's mouth to their right, use MouthRight instead.


Corrugator brings the left and right brows inward together.


LeftBrowLowerer lowers the character's left brow down.


LeftOuterBrowRaiser raises the outer part of the character's left brow upwards.


LeftNoseWrinkler raises the character's left nostril, pulls the brow down slightly, and wrinkles the left side of the nose.


LeftInnerBrowRaiser raises the interior half of the character's left brow upwards.


RightBrowLowerer lowers the character's right brow down.


RightOuterBrowRaiser raises the outer part of the character's right brow upwards.


RightInnerBrowRaiser raises the interior half of the character's right brow upwards.


RightNoseWrinkler raises the character's right nostril, pulls the brow down slightly, and wrinkles the right side of the nose.


LeftCheekRaiser squints the character's left eye.


LeftEyeUpperLidRaiser raises the character's left eyelid upwards to reveal more of the eye white above the iris.


RightCheekRaiser squints the character's right eye.


RightEyeUpperLidRaiser raises the character's right eyelid upwards to reveal more of the eye white above the iris.


TongueDown bends the tongue down. This pose is only visible if you combine it with TongueOut, otherwise the tongue only bends down within the character's mouth.


TongueOut sticks the tip of the tongue out of the mouth.


TongueUp bends the tongue up. This pose is only visible if you combine it with TongueOut, otherwise the tongue only bends up within the character's mouth.